The Menu

Menu - Edit - Editor

All menu items under this menu have direct impact on the build-in editor.


Undo the latest change that you have done at the editor.


Redo the latest change that you have done at the editor.


Cuts the selected text. If nothing has been selected, this action clears the editor completely.


Copies the selected txt to the clip board.


Pastes the content from the clip board to the text editor, if the content is text.


Save the conversion to the editor. The format that has been preselected will be used to format the data.

Make List ...

Opens the Generate List dialog.

Set Format for Notice ...

Opens the Format dialog.

Set Font Size ...

Sets the font size for the build-in editor. It is useful for presentation purposes for instance.

Insert HTML-Header and -Footer

Inserts both a HTML-Header and a HTML-Footer. That is useful if you have selected the HTML-Format at the Format dialog.


Loads a file into the text editor. You can load text files that are stored in ISO8859_1, UTF8 or UTF-16.


Saves the content of the editor to a file. You can save text files in format ISO8859_1, UTF8 or UTF-16.