The Command Line Interface (CLI)

The NumericalChameleon supports parameters on the command line interface.

In order to get information about this version and also a list of all supported parameters you can use the options "-help" or "-h".

% java -jar nc.jar -help
Checking Java VM version ... OK.
Version:    NumericalChameleon 2.0.0
Patchlevel: 0
Launch:     java -jar nc.jar
Options:    [-rates <exchange rates> -filter <exchange rate filter>]

-rates and -filter
With those two options you can update exchange rates on the command line.

Prints more information about the startup procedure and the environment.

Removes custom properties (it does not touch the favorites file). This option is useful if you don't have access to the GUI anymore.

Stores information from both the standard input and the standard output to two files called nc<version>_out.log and nc<version>_err.log.