Spoken Numbers

Numbers can be rendered as text in many languages, the text can be converted to audible speech and you can play it through the standard sound output device.

Output as text

Let interprete your input as a number or as digits.

as a number

as a number

as digits

Note: if you enter 0123456789 and if you select digits for the interpretation, you will see all base numbers of the selected language at a glance.

as digits

Value facet

Languages are being listed as an independent item even if the languages only differ in a few flavours (e. g. "dreißig" in Germany, but "dreissig" in Switzerland).

Dependent on the language the following values facets are possible:

Language Smallest number Largest number Support for audio
US English -1e96-1 1e96-1 yes
UK English1 -1e96-1 1e96-1 yes
French -1e96-1 1e96-1 yes
French (Switzerland) -1e96-1 1e96-1 yes
French (Belgium) -1e96-1 1e96-1 yes
Spanish -1e30-1 1e30-1 yes
German -1e96-1 1e96-1 yes
German (Switzerland)2 -1e96-1 1e96-1 yes
Italian -1e3-1 1e3-1 yes
Finnish -9 9 yes
Schwedish -1e12-1 1e12-1 yes
Dutch -1e9-1 1e9-1 yes
Hungarian -1e24-1 1e24-1 yes
Turkish -1e24-1 1e24-1 yes
Polish -9 9 yes
Portuguese (Portugal) -1e36-1 1e36-1 yes
Portuguese (Brasilia) -1e36-1 1e36-1 yes
Rumänisch -1e18-1 1e18-1 yes
Hindi (India)3 -99 99 yes
Tamil (India)4 -9 9 yes
Esperanto -999 999 yes
Latin -99 99 yes
Russian -99 99 yes
Japanese -99 99 no
Morsecode -unendlich5 unendlich5 yes
Klingon -1e7-1 1e7-1 no
Telephone -unendlich5 unendlich5 yes
Tongan -1e100-1 1e100-1 no

1 Valid in the United Kingdom (UK), Canada and Australia
2 That is the Swiss flavour of German, the "Schweizer Hochdeutsch" (resp. in Switzerland: "Schweizerhochdeutsch" or "Schriftdeutsch"), it is not the same as the "Schweizerdeutsch"
3 In addition to the output in Devanagari, the appropriate transliteration is printed in brackets
4 In Tamil only transliterations are being printed
5 Unlimited resp. minus unlimited is a theoretical value only, it is in fact limited by both memory and the processor in your computer

Play through the sound output device

A soundcard is required if you want to play the numerals through the sound output device. Adjust the volume of the audio system if required. Soundfiles for the Morsecode and phonetones are installed by default. Soundfiles for languages have to be downloaded and installed from www.numericalchameleon.net, because the soundfiles are relatively large and the installationpackage would become too large for users who are not interested in the sound feature.

Please go to www.numericalchameleon.net in order to see what languages are being supported. Download one or more soundpackages, extract those and copy the .jar files to the lib folder, the lib folder has been created during installation of the NumericalChameleon. Restart the NumericalChameleon. If you click on the button Start Soundyou can hear the numeral in the language that you have selected. You can interrupt the speach if you click on the Sound anhaltenbutton.